Crooked teeth making you conscious of your smile? Try makeO toothsi clear aligners

Crooked teeth making

‘Smile is a curve that sets everything right’- though people with aligned teeth enjoy and implement this popular saying, do people with misaligned or crooked teeth get the confidence to nurture a similar belief? Worry not. There are options that can help you get the same confidence back.

Crooked teeth develop as a result of prolonged habits like sucking on a pacifier or thumb during your childhood, or due to other reasons like genetics, or facial injury such as jaw injury that you may have experienced in your childhood. These childhood habits and factors later pose a problem when you become an adult, making you uncomfortable while smiling or conscious every time you express happiness. But what if we told you that you don’t have to shy away from smiling freely anymore? With the makeO toothsi clear aligners, you can now ace the smile game and grin from ear to ear.

makeO toothsi Aligners to Straighten Your Teeth

Straightening your crooked teeth is now easier with the makeO toothsi clear aligners. Wondering how? makeO toothsi, one of India’s leading clear aligner brands dedicates itself to designing smile makeOver for you and ensuring you get the confidence to smile comfortably wearing invisible clear aligners . Listed below are some of the features and benefits of wearing makeO toothsi clear aligners:

  • Removable: makeOtoothsi clear aligners come in a set of trays that you can effortlessly slide on and off your teeth without any help. This advanced feature allows you to easily remove clear aligners whenever you want.
  • Invisible: The advancement in the smile makeOver sector is evident with the makeO toothsi clear aligners. These are invisible teeth aligners that work their magic while remaining completely undetectable to the naked eye. Thus, you can smile with crooked teeth comfortably and confidently without getting conscious anymore.
  • No restrictions: makeOtoothsi invisible aligners impose no food restrictions on you. It means, you can have any food you want because you can remove invisible aligners and wear them after brushing your teeth. Eat wholeheartedly and smile confidently by aligning your crooked teeth with toothsi clear aligners.
  • Note: While opting for a smile correction process you must eat with caution to get the best result.   
  • Minimal clinic visits: In the conventional teeth correction process, you may have to visit medical professionals 12-24 times in a year. However, when you trust makeO toothsi, the process becomes convenient as you need to visit makeO toothsi pros only 0-4 times in a year.  
  • Comfortable: When you sign for an advanced smile correction process, you get a comfortable physical experience even while wearing the invisible aligners throughout the day. This assures customers to embrace more invisible aligners and exhibit confidence when they talk and smile.  

Wondering how makeO toothsi clear aligners work?– The invisible aligners from the house of makeO toothsi apply gentle pressure on your crooked teeth and let you experience gradual improvement over time. You can notice visible changes at every stage if you wear it for 22 hours a day. The makeO toothsi clear aligners are ISO 13485, US FDA approved, and CE Certified. What’s more! You can opt for a virtual or at-home scan facility to initiate the smile correction process. You can completely trust the product as well as the process. So, book a scan now and get a personalised smile makeOver plan to start your treatment.

Other Options to Fix Teeth Misalignment

Currently, there are multiple options available to fix teeth misalignment, and wearing braces is the commonest of all. Metal braces,lingual braces, ceramic braces, self-ligating braces are the different types of braces available in the market. Metal braces put pressure on the teeth and require you to visit an orthodontist every 4-6 weeks. Lingual braces contain similar components like that of conventional braces however they are fixed to the back of your teeth, or lingual side of teeth. The functionality of ceramic braces are similar to that of metal braces- however, they are more discreet and less visible. However, these braces are a bit larger and may stain depending on your diet and brushing routine. Unlike conventional braces, self-ligating braces have brackets or clips to hold the wires in place. Though these braces allow faster teeth movement, you may experience premature wear and tear. Those who are willing to indulge in a comfortable smile correction process can undoubtedly trust the invisible aligners. 

Everyone is unique and so is their smile. However, if misaligned or crooked teeth are stopping you from expressing yourself or making you feel embarrassed, there is a way to bring a change. Embrace the premium quality makeO toothsi clear aligners and make the smile makeOver process easier. Check out the makeO toothsi clear aligners price and save money on selected cards. 

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